Dy. Director’s Message

Nitu Mishra
As the world moves ahead in uncertain times with volatility as the new normal, we provide an engaging experience to every student to metamorphose themselves into humble, articulate and responsible global citizens rooted firmly in the Indian ethos. This engenders a strong feeling in every pupil , to embark upon a unique journey of self-exploration, which verily, is the hallmark of the empowering education imparted at the school. The school itself incubates the young minds with curiosity and imagination, as well as a unique sense of completeness, achieved through a plethora of enriching activities hand in hand with edifying academics .
The true goal of education is to equip a student with the tools to connect ethics and ecology, to enable them to value the higher self of citizenship by having a sustainable future, in an enriched human and natural environment.
The adaptability of the curriculum transacted by excellent mentors in academics, sports and adventure as well as the continuous impetus on engagement with the community, goes a long way in shaping the respectful community of learners.
The opportunities offered by the school, provide nurturance for a well-groomed personality which is actively committed to Academics, Sports, Adventure, Arts as well as Service. The school is committed towards transforming young impressionable minds into strong, confident, just and wise young men and women who shall be leading the world tomorrow. As the UNESCO Director General, Audrey Azoulay has rightly said, and I quote “Education is a public good, it is delicate; it is the best possible investment we can make”, the Sunbeam way of life certainly empowers, enriches and ensures a responsible and accountable citizen of the future world.
Sunbeam School Deoria
Sonda ( East), Salempur Road
Deoria – Uttar Pradesh
Account Details
Account Name -JMSPPS
Account No-33103801568
IFSC – SBIN0000065
Branch -Raghav Nagar, Deoria
Reception – 9721453272
Transport – 9721453274
Fee Counter-9721453275
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